Father Heslin Council 2557 Home
Current Newsletter

Featured Activity
Slideshow from our 100th Year Celebration
First Tuesday at 7:00 pm
in the Knights of Columbus Hall
Coming Event:
Council & Assembly Meetings
Rosary will begin at 6:15 pm before each monthly meeting at Fr. Heslin Hall.
Council Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Fr. Heslin Hall.
Rosary will begin at 6:15 pm before each monthly meeting at Fr. Heslin Hall.
Council Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Fr. Heslin Hall.
May 3rd – Chicken Drive Thru Dinner
May 15th through -May 17th – State Annual Meeting (Convention) Visalia Marriott in Visalia
May 15th through -May 17th – State Annual Meeting (Convention) Visalia Marriott in Visalia
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